The subscription days have been reset/deleted.

The subscription date with the artist will be reset when the subscription ticket in use expires or if the selected artist is deselected or changed.
However, if you reselect the same artist with another subscription ticket within 24 hours, the artist's subscription date will not be reset.
* Payment-related matters (Order date, subscription renewal date, etc.) are based on the receipts issued by the app store (Google Play Store or iOS App Store). 

If the subscription date with the artist has been reset, please check if it is the case below:

1. If the use of the service is terminated due to the expiration of the subscription ticket.
 1) A 1-person ticket expires on January 1, 2021,
 2) After repayment for the 1-person ticket is made on January 5, 2021, an artist is selected
 > Subscription date will be reset

※ If the payment method registered in the app store requires an update, regular payments may not be processed.
※ The termination of the subscription ticket is processed differently depending on the app store system, usually within 1 to 3 days from the end date of the receipt.

2. If the same artist is deselected and then re-selected in the same subscription ticket.
 1) Artist "A" deselected in a 1-person ticket
 2) Artists "A" and "B" selected in a 2-person ticket
 3) Artist "A" deselected in a 2-person ticket 
 4) Artist "A" re-selected in the 1-person ticket from 1) 
 > Subscription date reset 

※ When selecting artists for the first time after paying for the subscription ticket, you should select all N artists based on the N-person ticket. (Example: Select 6 artists when selecting artists for the first time after purchasing a 6-person ticket.) 
If you want to use the selected artist in a new subscription ticket, please deselect the artist in the existing ticket and save, and then select the same artist and save them in the new subscription ticket.